Doubts? Questions? Clarifications? This page is for you!
We have collected all the main answers to the most frequently asked questions from our valued guests on this page.
Why book from this official website?
Why is it better to book from this official site than from another online portal, such as Booking or Expedia? Because on this official website: you will have access to the best rates on the net.
Booking is always accessible and completely secure. You will enjoy direct contact with our staff, and you will not have any additional expenses. You will also receive the following exclusive benefits:
- Best Price Guaranteed
- Special Offers
- Best cancellation policy
- Late check - out on request
What are the payment methods to book?
It is possible to pay either by credit card as guarantee for the entire amount of the stay (nothing will be withdrawn but, as already specified, the card is requested only as a guarantee of payment) or by bank transfer.
What are the services included in the cost of the stay?
Soundproofed rooms and free Wi-Fi in all areas
Smart LED TV in room
Towel warmer
Courtesy bathroom products
Daily room cleaning (except Sundays)
Change of linen (it is done every 3 days or even on request)
Newspapers and books for consultation in the open loft area
Newspapers and books for consultation in the open loft area
What are the cancellation terms?
You can safely cancel your reservation up to 14 days before the check-in date. After this deadline you will be charged the cost of the entire stay.
Is it possible to self check in?
Yes, our rooms are equipped with a self check-in system and it is possible to request it upon transmission of identity documents, tax code and residence address of each guest and reference whatsapp number to transmit and communicate the access codes to the structure) .
Do the prices include all taxes?
No, the city tax due to the Municipality of Rome is not included. The tax is 3.50 Euro per person per day (for a maximum of 10 days), excluding children under ten years of age. The tax must be paid in cash on arrival.
Do you have Wi-Fi?
Yes, we have free wireless internet access throughout the structure.
What time is check - in? What time is check - out?
Check-in can be done from 14.00 until 19.00. Arrivals after this time must be agreed with the reception at the time of booking. It is also possible, even after the check-in time, to carry out the self check-in, however telephone assistance will not be guaranteed.
Check-out must be made by 10.00 on the day of departure.
Upon agreement with the reception, it is possible to use the luggage storage service.
Is the reception open 24 hours a day?
We are always available 24 hours a day for any need.
What languages are spoken at reception?
Italian and English by all the staff.
On which floor is Bea’s Guest House located?
We are located in a quiet private street on the ground floor of an elegant building with a concierge in Via Forcella, 1.
Are pets allowed?
We are sorry, but pets are not allowed.
Does the structure have parking?
No, the structure does not have a private car park, but it is possible to reserve a parking space in a non-affiliated guarded car park in Viale XXI Aprile, 160 meters from the structure.